Cartas de Viagem
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 16/08/2010 às 12:26 AM
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 16/08/2010 às 12:25 AM
Dicas da Regine
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 15/08/2010 às 11:23 PM
Toni, Indonésia - 2
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 12/08/2010 às 10:00 PM
Sat, 17 Jul 2010 22:48:30 +0000
My Name is Salle
Jorgen, Indonésia - 2
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 12/08/2010 às 09:57 PM
Assunto: RE: Good Danish, See you at 21:00hrs - Table 09 - Baby Face?
Chencho, Butão
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 12/08/2010 às 10:55 PM
Assunto: Re: Keep in Touch
Toni, Indonésia
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 12/08/2010 às 09:54 PM
Sun, 4 Jul 2010 10:14:09 +0000
Jorgen, Indonésia
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 12/08/2010 às 09:50 PM
Tue, 22 Jun 2010 01:37:29 -0400 (CLT)
Phangan Animal Care, Tailândia
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 12/08/2010 às 09:48 PM
Fri, 11 Jun 2010 16:04:51 +0700
Narender, Índia
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 12/08/2010 às 09:45 PM
Mon, 19 Apr 2010 10:02:07 +0530
#blog #relicario #viagens #fotografia #diariodeviagem #caixadereliquias #memoria #sagradas #protege #artecontemporanea #robertagoldfarb #reliquary #cartasdeviagem #travelletters #trips #photography #tripdiary #boxofrelics #memory #sacred #protect #contemporaryart
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 16/08/2010 às 12:26 AM

Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 16/08/2010 às 12:25 AM

Dicas da Regine
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 15/08/2010 às 11:23 PM

Toni, Indonésia - 2
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 12/08/2010 às 10:00 PM
Sat, 17 Jul 2010 22:48:30 +0000
Subject: FW:
Toni here!!!Just returned home to Santa Barbara and wanted you two to know I did the Salle "thing"--got 5 lamanited and posted in the breakfast room. It was a tear jerker leaving her but hopefully she will continue with the love of the tourists.
Hope your travels are grand.
I am off to Vegas in a few days and will be really busy for the next month.
Think of you often!!!!!
Love, toni
My Name is Salle
I am a girl about 6 years old and understand many languages.
I love tourist especially when they love me back, feed me and see that I have water.
I do not bark, bite or chew (no teeth).
I love it when tourist take me for a walk around the Sagitarius grounds. No leash necessary
I also love to stay with tourist at their bungalow…anytime day or night.
Thank You
Terima kasih
Jorgen, Indonésia - 2
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 12/08/2010 às 09:57 PM
Assunto: RE: Good Danish, See you at 21:00hrs - Table 09 - Baby Face?
Enviada: 06/07/2010 04:17
Hi Agusto and Roberta,
"See you at 21:00hrs - Table 09 - Baby Face!" ... Haha! ... :-))) .... You actually got me, young Master Philippsen! For a wee moment I went 'What??!!! They are still here??!!!
Can't be??!!! Well, it could be!!! No, it can't!!! ... Great joke! ... :-))) ))) )))
We have a saying in Danish which goes like this: Where good people is, good people come! You pulled me in ... it is all your responsibility! ... haha! ... each and every good moment or person or thing you two great embassadors for Brazil pull into your lives is owed to the very fact that YOU good people are.
Sorry about Brazil's last match, at least you can take comfort in the result of Argentina's defeat to the absolutely great playing Germans.
Thanks for the photo - it's nice. Question: Can you mail it in high resolution such as 1280 x 960 or bigger?
We'll stay in good communication and I wish you well on your journey through the continents of our planet Earth.
Once you are back with old master Philipsen, my offer to trace your family stands.
Chencho, Butão
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 12/08/2010 às 10:55 PM
Assunto: Re: Keep in Touch
Enviada: 05/07/2010 01:58
hi Augusto,
Thanks a lot for your mail which i have been anticipating long time back.Here in Bhutan i am doing great and the good news is that now i am running my own travel agency and i would be happy if you could give my email to those of your friend who like to travel to Bhutan.
Its good to hear that you had enjoyed your tour in Myanmar and laos. and do keep having great time henceforth.Any way hope you will keep in touch with me.
best regards
Toni, Indonésia
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 12/08/2010 às 09:54 PM
Sun, 4 Jul 2010 10:14:09 +0000
Subject: RE: Hello from the brazilians dogs lovers
First of all--Thank you for my t-shirt--I will treasure it and think of you always.
When I took Salle for her walk in the rear area--she immediately ran up to your past bungalow, then returned to me with a disappointed look. She is still shadowing me everywhere I go around Sag.
Yes--I would love it if you wanted to help write a Salle letter so each tourist dog lover could pay it forward and she would get the love and attention she so needs and deserves.
I did send my friend in Turkey and e-mail about you two and it went through (not unusual for him not to respond immediately)--I also sent it on to you and it didn't go through. WIll try again.
Carole and I have lots of massages booked till I depart and also a bit of shopping to finish for Mom's new home. Weather here in Ubud cooling off in the evenings--a nice relief.
As far as the Salle letter--I could print it out and get it laminated and hopefully the staff would pass it on!!!!!
Stay in touch--i will do th e same except during my Vegas journey to help Mom and Aunti--but I will check for messages.
Great meeting you two beauties!!!Those pic's of Carole and I are so awful--really shows our age!!!!!But--I guess--thanks anyway-ha!!!!
Later--Happy trails__toni
Jorgen, Indonésia
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 12/08/2010 às 09:50 PM
Tue, 22 Jun 2010 01:37:29 -0400 (CLT)
Subject: Nova mensagem de contato de Jorgen Erbs em "relicário"
Hi you two good Brazilian people,
This is from the Danish man you met yesterday in Baby-Face to the football match between Portugal and Korea.
Want to let you know that it was a pleasure to have a good and enjoyable communication with you. Your project about travelling the world BEFORE you settle down as parents is a 19 on a 10-scale.
I am willing to assist in getting digged up from the Church books of South Denmark/North Germany all available data on the Fillipsen or Phillipsen family.
Enjoy your good time in Bali and any problems, questions, need advice, etc. you are very welcome to sms / call me at
local phone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
international phone +xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
See you Friday in Baby-Face for the Brazil-Portugal match ... that'll be hot ... for the Portuguese ... :-)))
Jorgen Erbs
Phangan Animal Care, Tailândia
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 12/08/2010 às 09:48 PM
Fri, 11 Jun 2010 16:04:51 +0700
Subject: Fw: Help to rescue a dog, maybe a difficult rescue, but needed!!!
Dear Roberta,
Your email was passed onto to me by Samui Dog Rescue - My name is Greg and I'm the manager of Phangan Animal Care (PAC)
PAC had been operating on PhaNgan for 10years and we provide free nursing care as well as a Neutering programme for all stray cats and dogs island. Unfortunately, due to funding we don't have a Thai vet and cant provide long term re-homing for strays.
Currently we are neutering between 15-25 animals a month (with the help of volunteer vets) and attend about 100 call outs.
I'm sorry to hear about the dog in Haad Rin and the experiences you had there. I've sent up our nurse today to have a look at him - I will keep you updated on his condition. In general the people in Haad Rin do phone us when the see a dog that had been injured. Certainly, in the past they have also clubbed to together and paid the local vet for treatment of stray dogs.
Kind Regards
Greg Player
Practice Administrator,
PhaNgan Animal Care.
PO Box 70, Thong Sala
Koh PhaNgan, Suratthani 84280
+66 (08) 9 8757513 (mobile)
To learn more about our work, please visit our website at <>
Narender, Índia
Enviado por roberta goldfarb em 12/08/2010 às 09:45 PM
Mon, 19 Apr 2010 10:02:07 +0530
Dear Roberta and Augusto
We are fine in Delhi and we hope you both are also having good time.Where are you these days?I hope you are having good companies.Gauri is missing you a lot.Thanks.
Best Regards
Narender and family
#blog #relicario #viagens #fotografia #diariodeviagem #caixadereliquias #memoria #sagradas #protege #artecontemporanea #robertagoldfarb #reliquary #cartasdeviagem #travelletters #trips #photography #tripdiary #boxofrelics #memory #sacred #protect #contemporaryart